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One such platform that has gained immense popularity is OfferUp With the rise of online marketplaces like OfferUp, buying and selling items has never been easier. To ensure a secure shipping process, sellers should double-check all shipping information before printing the label and promptly communicate with the buyer regarding any shipping updates or delays. Shipping Container Sales: How to Spot a Scam. Hello everybody, where else if not here i can ask and learn about this, so i use Offerup for a while but i never bought anything with shipping, i always meet people locally to buy and sell, recently i was checking couple items i wanted to buy with shipping but i don't really thrust the sellers who sell it, registered in couple hours ago. rate your professor uncc A buyer may request the item be shipped and offer to pay extra shipping costs. Im on the search for a 3080 and noticed a ton of these on offer up. Steve Sjuggerud has never been legally cited for engaging in fraudulent activities, for participating in scams or for providing sham advice. Basically OfferUp getting you to go to a knock off Groupon… they want you too spend 150$ to get an extra 100$ in product (spend150$ to receive 250+tax in product) which you have to pay the tax at 250$ it is at your local places around your area, it’s just a promotion so they can trick companies to pay them 20% or more plus give away 80-100% extra product…just to funnel in cheap traffic. How to avoid it: OfferUp factors in the cost of shipping, so you’ll always see the fees. mlive obits saginaw mi This forum is intended to have people share experiences, ask questions, and offer advice and strategies. If the item isn’t shipped within 5 days, the transaction will automatically cancel and the buyer's payment will be returned to their original payment method. The most common schemes are represented by the OfferUp shipping scams, which have been perpetrated by criminals successfully on the website Full List of OfferUp Scams Below. With just a few taps on your smartphone, you can order groceries, book a ride, or even find a new job. As a seller, you're required to ship an item within 5 calendar days from the date of sale (though we recommend shipping within 3 days, if possible). indeed des moines iowa Very light user of OfferUp and have been trying to buy a PS4 pro. ….

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